Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22–23 (NIV)
"Since God's compassion starts new every morning, you will never reach a point where his supply of love is exhausted." |
Years ago there was a television commercial that featured Jay Leno eating a snack chip. The premise was that the chips had become so popular there were people concerned that grocery stores would run out. Leno, biting into a chip with a loud crunch, says, “Crunch all you want; we’ll make more.”
God’s love is like that; you can’t exhaust the supply. It’s sort of like -- “Accept all you can of God’s love today; then he’ll still have more tomorrow.” God will supply more and more and more love today, tomorrow, and forever. The ancient poet-prophet Jeremiah says this merciful love from God never fails; it’s like an inexhaustible supply of fresh, loving-compassion each morning.
Since God’s compassion starts new every morning, you will never reach a point where his supply of love is exhausted. God will never run out of love and compassion. This means you can never blow it so bad that God will abandon you. He is the God-of-second-chances. If you’re uncertain that God can (or has) forgiven you for things you did in the past, ask him to help you replace your fears with faith.
God will make it so. The Hebrew word for faithfulness is related to the word amen, which means “so be it.” When you close a prayer with amen, you’re quite literally acknowledging that God is faithful to make it so. How would your prayers be different if you deeply believed God will make it so?
(This devotional is by Jon Walker, editor of the Daily Hope Devotionals and author of Costly Grace.)