Monday, February 28, 2011

God Will Never Run Out of Love for You

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22–23 (NIV)
"Since God's compassion starts new every morning, you will never reach a point where his supply of love is exhausted."

Years ago there was a television commercial that featured Jay Leno eating a snack chip. The premise was that the chips had become so popular there were people concerned that grocery stores would run out. Leno, biting into a chip with a loud crunch, says, “Crunch all you want; we’ll make more.”
God’s love is like that; you can’t exhaust the supply. It’s sort of like -- “Accept all you can of God’s love today; then he’ll still have more tomorrow.” God will supply more and more and more love today, tomorrow, and forever. The ancient poet-prophet Jeremiah says this merciful love from God never fails; it’s like an inexhaustible supply of fresh, loving-compassion each morning.
Since God’s compassion starts new every morning, you will never reach a point where his supply of love is exhausted. God will never run out of love and compassion. This means you can never blow it so bad that God will abandon you. He is the God-of-second-chances. If you’re uncertain that God can (or has) forgiven you for things you did in the past, ask him to help you replace your fears with faith.
God will make it so. The Hebrew word for faithfulness is related to the word amen, which means “so be it.” When you close a prayer with amen, you’re quite literally acknowledging that God is faithful to make it so. How would your prayers be different if you deeply believed God will make it so?

(This devotional is by Jon Walker, editor of the Daily Hope Devotionals and author of Costly Grace.)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

"What do you fear?"

I watched a child in the mall yesterday as she was kicking and screaming. 
Her parents were trying their best to calm her down.

I also watched the people passing by them. Some shook their heads and
saw the child as a spoiled, "give me what I want now," child.  Others paused
and offered a few kind words to both the child and parents.

"You're such a beautiful little girl.  Such a beautiful girl shouldn't cry,"
one lady said.

"Don't be so sad.  We all have bad days," added another.

"I think she's a spoiled brat," I heard one whisper to a friend.

None of them were right.  The child was neither spoiled nor having a bad day.

She was afraid.

The parents told me afterwards that someone carrying a coat scared her. 
She's afraid of dogs.  The coat looked like a big dog.

They went on to explain that it is a challenge for them to go places. 
Friends have dogs, neighbors nearby walk their dogs down the street.

So, you can imagine what it's like to try to get through a day without sending
your child into a panic.

I can remember, as a child walking up the steps at night I would get the feeling
that someone or some thing was going to grab my feet.  So, I ran most of the time.

I'll admit that occasionally as an adult I do the same thing.

Fear.  What you fear the most in life, owns you,controls you, limits you. 

I struggle with the fear of heights, but I fight it.

My wife sent me off in a glider on my 60th birthday.  I was fine.  I was better than
fine, I was great!

If I could have one foolish child-like wish come  true it would be to have the ability
to fly like a bird.

The truth is fear can be debilitating.  Fear cripples many, limits abilities to enjoy
even the simplest things in life and in some cases stops people from having
medical procedures that could prevent major health issues.

Fear also crushes dreams.

Sometimes our own fears are imposed on others around us affecting their views
and impacting their ability to live life fully...all in the name of love, concern and
good parenting.

Someone once used the acronym F.E.A.R as False Evidence Appearing Real.

I'm not sure that applies to all fear.  One might have had a bad experience with
a dog and now that fear is real, relevant in their lives.

But, I think the kind of fear I believe we can deal with is the fear that reinforces

In particular poor self image issues either self imposed or wrongfully fed to you
by others in your life or the world in general.

Fear and doubt are enemies of faith.  They are the enemy that you permit to
control your decisions even when you declare your faith in God.

You give them power over you.  The enemy doesn't want you to be happy,
successful, or faithful.  The enemy wants you to fail and stay there.  Why?

Because successful, happy, healthy people give credit for their happiness to
God even when they face their fears they declare their belief in the God who fears nothing.

"Fear prevents, faith prevails!"

By Bob Perks

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Faith: Doing Exactly What Jesus Says to Do

“Go,” he told him, “wash in the Pool of Siloam” (this word means Sent). So the man went and washed, and came home seeing. His neighbors and those who had formerly seen him begging asked, “Isn’t this the same man who used to sit and beg?” John 9:7–8 (NIV)
"Jesus uses your desperation to push you toward your purpose."
Then Jesus said, “Go . . . wash in the pool of Siloam” (John 9:7 NIV).

At first, the blind man may have hesitated, confused about how going to Siloam would give him sight. He may have been wondering, “Why would Jesus make me do this when he could have simply healed me back there?”

But his desperation pushed him toward the Pool of Siloam, just as Jesus uses your desperation to push you toward your purpose.

The blind man may have heard the laughter and ridicule as people watched him stumble toward the pool: “Look at that fool with the mud on his face.” “Even we can’t see with mud in our eyes!” “Are you crazy enough to think you’ll really be healed?”

But the blind man could not be shamed from doing whatever it took to be healed. Jesus told him what to do, and if that meant washing his face in the Pool of Siloam, then that’s what he’d do, no matter what anyone else said.

Siloam means “sent”—Jesus sent and the man went, and once he’d washed his face, the man could see!

Faith means doing exactly what Jesus says to do. When Jesus finished rubbing mud into the blind man’s eyes, he didn’t say, “Now quickly wipe away the mud.” He didn’t say, “Go to the nearest well for water and then wash your face.” He said. “Go to Siloam.”

When Jesus tells us what to do, we need to pay close attention to the details. Otherwise, we may act according to our assumptions -- according to what the Jesus we imagine in our minds might tell us to do. You want to follow the real Jesus, who not only knows what he is doing, but also has your best interest at heart.

by Jon Walker, author, Costly Grace

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Proverbs 23:4, Do not overwork to be rich; because of your own understanding, cease!
First, I want you to notice that this verse does not say don't work.  And it does
not say don't work hard.  It says don't overwork.

There are some people in God's family who are not led, they are driven.  They
are so focused on reaching their goals and achieving whatever level of success
they are going after, that they are making a lot of sacrifices along the way.

But they are making the wrong sacrifices.  They are sacrificing their marriage
and they are sacrificing their relationship with their kids.  Why?  Because they
overwork.  And, friend, that is not healthy.

In fact, I would say that overworking is as unhealthy as not working.  You miss
out on the grand things in life, the important things in life.  With some people,
even their relationship with God gets squeezed out because they overwork.

You need to be motivated; you need to work hard; but you don't want to overdo
it to the point that you don't have time for your children.  You don't want to work
so hard that you don't have time for your spouse.  And you don't want to so
overwork that you don't have time for your God. 

You are missing life if you are just after possessions, and you are sacrificing
the more important things along the way.

How does your work life measure up today?  Are you overworking at the expense
of your marriage, your family, and your relationship with God?  If so, determine
today to get your life back in balance.

Overworking is overrated! 
When you carry the Bible, Satan gets a headache.
When you open it, he collapses.
When he sees you reading it, he faints.
When he sees that you are living what you read, he flees.

forwarded by: Enrico Plamenco

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Finding the Real Jesus Changes Your Life

We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19 (HCSB)
"Do I love the Lord my God with all my heart, mind and soul? Do I love my neighbor as myself?"
When people enter a real relationship with Jesus, they are never the same. Partyers don’t want to party the same way anymore. Couples realize they don’t want to live together outside of marriage. Business owners decide not to cut corners anymore. And friends will be confounded because they don’t understand these new lifestyle choices.

Your family will be changed because you will look at your spouse differently.

 You’ll now see him or her as a precious child of God whose job it is of yours to serve -- regardless of whether they serve you in return.

And you’ll see that your children are gifts from God and your goal with them is not to make sure they’re happy all the time; rather, it is to prepare them for an eternity with Jesus. You’ll also want to treat your parents with honor, not because of what they have or have not done in the past, but because God loves you. And, “we love because He first loved us.” (1 John 4:19 HCSB

by Geoff Surrat

Saturday, February 19, 2011

How Full is Your Backpack?

But the gate is small and the road is narrow that leads to true life. Only a few people find that road. Matthew 7:14 (NCV)
""He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." --Missionary Jim Elliot, killed while attempting to tell the Waodani people in Ecuador about Jesus."
Imagine trying to walk down a narrow path that is hemmed in by thorny vines and low hanging branches and you’re wearing a backpack overstuffed with the many things you think you need.

Imagine how exhausted and frustrated you’d be as your heavy backpack kept getting snagged in the branches and the vines. You’d begin to see that many of the things you carried were more of a hindrance than a help, and so one-by-one, you’d start pulling things out of your backpack, regretfully tossing them aside.

Imagine how you would feel when you come to the end of the narrow path and discover that to get to where you want to go, you have to squeeze through a very small gate. You start to pull the last of your things out of the backpack, but then you realize there is no sense in taking an empty backpack through the gate.

So you reluctantly leave it behind and head through the small gate into a new life. It is your life in Christ and you have followed Jesus down this narrow path and through this small gate into the kingdom of heaven.

Inside the kingdom, you realize you’ve made your journey more difficult than it had to be simply because everything you’d been so reluctant to leave behind is useless in your new life. And the things that Jesus provides for you in your new life are far more precious than any thing you left behind.

When Jesus demands our allegiance, he isn’t trying to take good things away from us; rather, he knows the world is coming to an end and he is trying to prepare us for an eternity living with him.

How are you doing with your goals and plans for this Decade of Destiny? What’s that one thing you’re reluctant to give up? Maybe it’s not a thing; maybe it is giving up the lack of discipline when it comes to your finances, or your health, or your Bible study.

Whatever it is, Jesus brings you to this choice: Will you trust him when he says you need to give this thing up, or will you insist that you need to carry an overstuffed backpack throughout the next ten years?

by: Jon Walker